
Queisser Pharma

InnovaPharm, together with the federal distributor Grand Capital and the communication agency RX CODE, carries out stimulating trade-marketing activities in non-network retail. One of the implemented projects in 2021 is the case of Queisser Pharma.

Results in numbers for 2021:
  • 8,640 face-to-face visits by medical representatives to pharmacies
  • 20,600 calls and 20,600 emails
  • 4,525 additional distribution points have purchased Queisser Pharma products on a promotional basis (180% of plan fulfilment)
  • 45,182 additional Queisser Pharma products were purchased on a promotional basis
  • + 6 percentage point growth in numerical distribution

Customer feedback
Aleksei Mikhailov#nbsp;— CEO of#nbsp;Queisser Pharma in#nbsp;Russia:

"2 of#nbsp;the most important tasks Queisser Pharma faced in#nbsp;2021 was to#nbsp;increase sales and distribution. Our company decided to#nbsp;trust professionals and launch a#nbsp;comprehensive TMA via InnovaPharm. My#nbsp;satisfaction with the result is, I#nbsp;think, best shown by#nbsp;the numbers. The achievement of#nbsp;the initial KPI was 180%".